Prof. Jacek Mańdziuk
Warsaw University of Technology, PolandTitle of talk to be confirmed
Prof. Jacek Mańdziuk, Ph.D., D.Sc., is a full professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology, Head of Division of Artificial Intelligence and Computational Methods, and Head of Doctoral Program in Computer Science at this faculty.
He was General Co-Chair of the 2021 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Krakow, Poland, and Chair of the annual IEEE SSCI Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Human-like Intelligence 2013-2023. He is a recipient of the Fulbright Senior Research Award (UC Berkeley and ICSI Berkeley, USA) and the Robert Schuman Foundation Fellowship (CNRS, Besancon, France). He is a Founding Chair of the IEEE ETTC Task Force on Toward Human-like Intelligence. He presented his research at numerous invited conference and university talks all over the world.
His research interests include application of Computational Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence methods to dynamic and bilevel optimization problems, abstract visual reasoning, games, and human-machine cooperation in problem solving. He is also interested in the development of human-like learning and problem-solving methods. .
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